Hi, and welcome to LetsLoop!
All your favourite music, in one place
Listen to 35 million songs, albums & playlists with YouTube, SoundCloud, Deezer, Spotify and Vimeo, discover concerts in your area with Songkick, explore over 2.5 million artist pages loaded with content from Facebook, iTunes & Last.fm, and much more...
Collect and share the music you love
LetsLoop combines the social experience of Facebook & Twitter with the bookmarking of Pinterest to help you build the ultimate online music collection. Simply hit Loop to share & Fan to save to your profile.
Discover music from other fans
Follow your friends, tastemakers or anyone who shares your taste in music to get a live stream of their song, album, playlist & concert recommendations.
Explore your favourite artists
Listen to full discographies, find out when they are playing in your local venue, discover similar artists, check out their bio & photos, and see who else is a fan.
Listen, using the streaming service of your choice
Tired of skipping between YouTube & Vimeo for videos, Spotify for the new TayTay ;), and SoundCloud for your favourite remix? LetsLoop brings all your favourite streaming services together in one place and let's you decide how you listen.