1. 1. Boys And Girls Come Out to Play

  2. 2. Bye Baby Bunting

  3. 3. Dance to Your Daddy

  4. 4. Do You Know the Muffin Man?

  5. 5. Golden Slumbers

  6. 6. Here We Go Gathering Nuts in May

  7. 7. Here We Go Looby Loo

  8. 8. Hush a Bye Baby

  9. 9. Hush Little Baby

  10. 10. I Saw a Ship a-Sailing

  11. 11. Lavenders Blue

  12. 12. London Bridge Is Falling Down

  13. 13. Mary Had a Little Lamb

  14. 14. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

  15. 15. Old Mother Goose

  16. 16. One, Two Buckle My Shoe

  17. 17. Oranges and Lemons

  18. 18. Poor Jenny Is a Weeping

  19. 19. Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat

  20. 20. Round and Round the Garden

  21. 21. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

  22. 22. Ten Green Bottles

  23. 23. The Farmer's in His Den

  24. 24. The Queen of Hearts

  25. 25. The House That Jack Built

  26. 26. This Old Man

  27. 27. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

  28. 28. Wee Willie Winkie

  29. 29. The Story of Cinderella

  30. 30. The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears