From the album: Wee Sing Bible Songs

  1. 1. Jesus Loves the Little Children

  2. 2. Jesus Loves Me

  3. 3. Jesus Loves Even Me

  4. 4. Jesus Sees Me

  5. 5. Come Bless the Lord

  6. 6. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam

  7. 7. This Little Light of Mine

  8. 8. The Bible Says

  9. 9. The Lord Is My Shepherd

  10. 10. Deep and Wide

  11. 11. God Made Me

  12. 12. My Body, Strong and Good

  13. 13. Oh, Be Careful

  14. 14. Silver and Gold Have I None

  15. 15. The Twelve Disciples

  16. 16. Behold, Behold

  17. 17. One Door and Only One

  18. 18. Love, Love

  19. 19. This Is My Commandment

  20. 20. The B-I-B-L-E

  21. 21. Books of the Old Testament

  22. 22. Books of the New Testament

  23. 23. Father Abraham

  24. 24. Little David, Play On Your Harp

  25. 25. Only a Boy Named David

  26. 26. Who Did Swallow Jonah?

  27. 27. Zacchaeus

  28. 28. The Wise Man and Foolish Man

  29. 29. Who Built the Ark?

  30. 30. His Banner Over Me Is Love

  31. 31. Praise Him, Praise Him

  32. 32. Kum Ba Yah

  33. 33. Thank You

  34. 34. Whisper a Prayer

  35. 35. God Bless

  36. 36. Give Me Oil In My Lamp

  37. 37. Isn't He Wonderful

  38. 38. Standin' In the Need of Prayer

  39. 39. He's Got the Whole World

  40. 40. Do Lord

  41. 41. Here Is the Church

  42. 42. Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain

  43. 43. Heavenly Sunshine

  44. 44. Praise the Lord Together

  45. 45. My God Is So Great

  46. 46. See the Camel

  47. 47. Peace Like a River

  48. 48. Walking With Jesus

  49. 49. Now I Lay

  50. 50. Father, We Thank Thee